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New Horizons in Branded Content & Media


Beyond the convergence of “brick & mortar” and “digital” over the last 2-3 decades, there are new horizons emerging in both branded content and media. This applies to motion pictures, shows (reality, scripted and franchise) as well as other content and media. In addition, new wholesale and retail distribution channels are rapidly entering the commercialization phase targeting various consumer segments and demographics; (i.e.) virtual reality (VR) etc.

All branded content and media follow three phases in the “value chain”; Development – Production – Distribution. These key phases are applicable to various established and emerging Content Developers / Originators / Owners, Producers and Promoters as well as Directors and other stakeholders.

Based on above, new horizons in branded content and media along the “value chain” will follow basic principles and fundamentals of structured project finance covering Recourse – Limited Recourse – Non-Recourse basis. Key components during “value chain” phase(s) include; assets coupled with collateralization / hypothecation / mortgage and credit-worthy revenue streams. To ensure “sacro-sanctity” of the “value chain”, all transactional contracts must have “back-to-back” arrangements from credit-worthy wholesale and retail distribution channels.

In summary, critical to the success of a sustainable media industry, it is important to advocate, empower and enable emerging creative artists with inventive and innovative ideas for developing, originating and owning value-added content.

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