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Blog - New Age Assets, LLC

Increased Branding Asset Opportunities

Fashion Media

Increased Branding Asset Opportunities

As part of the media value chain, original branded content provides very good opportunities as an alternative investment asset class through ownership and intellectual property rights (IPR) coupled with higher top-line revenue streams and waterfall cash flows. Today, there are many branding projects such as reality series, scripted series and franchise series which are attracting capital investment from; federal/state grants; private equity funds / family offices and; senior debt from lenders. In addition, there are opportunities for brands to participate via product placement(s). With subsidy funding support from federal/state grants, downside risk is further mitigated. A key driver for successful...

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Value Innovation

Fashion Innovation Media

Value Innovation

Current global outlook indicates major changes are underway covering multiple industries and sectors. There have been both simultaneous and independent shifts constantly occurring over the last two (2) decades due to global monetary policy, fiscal and financial framework, macroeconomics, structured finance and microeconomics. As a result, there has been dynamic transition in considerable wealth creation / transfer, purchasing power and consumer demographics. As part of any new and emerging wealth creation, Value Innovation can potentially be a positive path going forward. The main drivers that can help enable and advance “game-changer” Value Innovation can be categorized or classified into specific...

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Holistic Focus on Sports Injuries


Holistic Focus on Sports Injuries

Major recent advances have been made in kinesiology, biomechanics, bioenergetics, as well as biomedical engineering. Much knowledge, experience, and wisdom has been gained in better understanding and appreciation of holistic focus on mitigating sports injuries. As shown below, as each and every sports athlete is an “individual” and there are “absolutely no shortcuts to success”, there must be both simultaneous and independent importance given to each of the critical elements in order to reduce risks and mitigate sports injuries. As part of any Advanced Training, during the last 2-3 decades, based on the extensive work done by world-renowned experts, increased...

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Empowering Holistic Wealth


Empowering Holistic Wealth

With dynamic trends and rapid changes underway globally, there is a growing convergence occurring in defining the holistic wealth paradigm and enhancing value. Empowerment of individual(s) is an essential ingredient which further serves as a building block of holistic wealth of society-at-large. It is important to understand and appreciate that there must be a sound and sustainable balance between holistic wellness and wealth. This in turn leads to positive and productive outcomes which enable the goal of improved quality of life for individual(s). Thus, holistic wealth is deeply rooted and dependent upon personal lifestyle, wellness and well-being.  In striking a...

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